Our Story
Pro Familia quite simply is ‘For the Family’.
I moved to Oklahoma City in 2008 and my travel style back then was "go big, or go home!" Recently divorced and trying to find my way in a new city, travel was my escape. I celebrated my first New Year's Eve (as a newly single person) in Rome. A few years later, I traveled solo to Maui and soaked in the beach life and Aloha spirit. In 2010, I traveled to Finland with the Rotary's group study exchange program (read about our journey!). Trust me when I say, 4.5 weeks in Finland WILL change your life (& later become inspiration for The Lodge OKC)!
In 2013, Jeff and I met at the state agency where we worked. It didn't take long for me to convince him that I was the ying to his yang. Working in the same building was great, but having all the leave time (that comes from being a state employee) was even better! Travel became more centered around work events, state and national conferences and trainings where he could catch a late flight and meet me for a few days.
As our family grew and our careers took different paths, travel became focused on family - and more strategic. Now we take advantage of 3-day weekends and holidays with road trips to San Antonio (TX), Cincinnati (OH), or McPherson (KS). While seeing family is great, some of our best memories are from the times we travel together as a couple: driving on Highway 1 along the California coast, hiking around Lake Tahoe and breathing that mountain air, or getting out of our comfort zone and renting a spare room in the house of a young couple in Denver. The latter is the vacation that made us fall in love with short term rentals. Those two people helped us realize that the connection that comes from travel, with people you know and people you don't know (yet!) is what brings that "IT" factor to your travel experience.
We started our stay in Denver as guests and we ended it as locals. Our hosts were so gracious. They helped us have the true, authentic, Denver experience. It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. That’s the sort of experience we want our guests to have. When you stay at Pro Familia Homes property, you start your journey as a guest and you leave as a local.
Since that time, we've added another member to our family, a four-legged English Bulldog/Pitbull mix named Odin. He is our world. Now our travel plans focus on making sure our fur-baby has a great travel experience, too! All you dog-moms and dog-dads can probably agree. We've experienced first hand how challenging it can be to find a great short term rental that's also pet friendly. We don't want Odin to miss out on the fun adventures and we don't want our guest's pet to miss out either. That's why we host pet-friendly properties in Oklahoma City. We understand that traveling with our dog is a privilege and for as long as we're able, we'll continue to allow pets in our rentals!
This formal idea of our short term rental & co-hosting business materialized out of an unplanned opportunity that occurred during 2020. The house next to our home became available to purchase. We acquired that house and spent the better part of 2020, navigating our way through quarantine and the pandemic providing some much-needed repairs and improvements to this property.
We initially envisioned turning this space into a place for extra income, such as a short term rental. Throughout this endeavor, beloved family joined our plight and began making this idea into a reality. The original notion of an income opportunity quickly evolved into a broader purpose.
This project, during an extremely difficult year, was a watershed moment in our family. The experience enlightened our family. We began to view this place as a foundation where we could build a business that was greater than the sum of its parts. We began to think about how we could contribute to our neighborhood, our community, our family, and its future.
When you stay with us at a Pro Familia Homes, you're staying for good (#stayforgood). For each booking, we will plant one tree through Ecologi's accredited tree planting projects. Additionally, we provide in-kind donations to local non-profits to help them raise money and achieve their mission.
That brings us to this moment. We are expanding our own portfolio of short term rental properties. We are looking to partner with owners to co-host their rental properties. We offer our spaces to artists and content creators. We donate our spaces to non-profit organizations in our community.
Will you join us?